Are you interested in learning more about church membership here at Blackhawk?
Join us March 20th, from 6–9pm, for a night to connect and be informed by Pastor Dave and Pastor Mark about the importance of church membership and what it means for us here at Blackhawk.
We will offer teaching on baptism, service, worship and we’ll look at Covenant Membership which will lay out clear expectations for us all moving forward. We will gather around tables in the church foyer and coffee, water and snacks will be provided.
This class will only be offered twice a year, and the next opportunity will be in the fall of 2024. One thing to note is that we will not be offering childcare for this gathering.
Please RSVP by calling Cami Wharton at 493-7400 or via email at CWharton@BlackhawkMinistries.
Online Membership Application