If you listen closely, you just might hear the school bells, and if you peek at your calendar, you will see that schools start in less than one month. This all means different things to different people, but at Blackhawk, this means that it is another opportunity to put our church vision into action and #lighttheonefive! We can do this by collecting school supplies for schools in the ’15 zip code. These schools have many students who attend school without the needed supplies due to economic challenges at home.
What: Pencils, Blue/Black Pens, Colored Pencils; Crayons, Markers, Expo Dry Erase Markers, Highlighters, Erasers, Glue Sticks, 3×3” Post-It notes, 3×5” ruled index cards, and facial tissues
When: July 24, July 31, and August 7 before both services
Where: In the church foyer (Or items can be dropped off at the church office, Monday through Thursday, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.)
Why: We can show Jesus’ love to our neighbors as we help with a need. In other words, we will “lighttheonefive!”
Monetary donations will also be accepted. Checks should be made out to Blackhawk Ministries and noted that it is for school supplies. Monetary donations can be dropped off the same as donated items, as explained above.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail Sheri Huls at [email protected].