Colossians 2:16-23
- What is “legalism”? Why is it so dangerous?
- What two options do we have when it comes to “diet” and “days”?
- What is the best response to performance-based Christianity?
- How did Kevin define “mysticism”?
- What happens when we pursue experience-based Christianity?
- Have you ever been made to feel like a Junior Varsity follower of Christ?
- What is “self-based Christianity”?
- What is the difference between uniformity and unity?
- How can “self-based Christianity” lead to isolation?
- Why do we need true, Biblical community?
- What does Blackhawk Ministries believe about its online services?
- What is “condemnation-based Christianity”?
- What is the “prosperity gospel”? What is a “poverty gospel”?
- Why should we pursue holiness?
- Which of the above counterfeits has been the biggest struggle for you?