Judges 8:22-35
- How do you hope to be remembered when you’re gone?
- What did Kevin mean by “living in the dash”?
- What is “worship”?
- What is the first sign of trouble that we see in Judges 8:22? How is this a change from Judges 6 & 7?
- What is an “ephod”? What does Exodus 28 say about what and who an ephod is for?
- How would you respond to this definition of idolatry: “Idolatry is making good things ultimate things.”
- How do you see your own capacity toward self-idolatry?
- What is the connection between the story of Gideon and the story of Moses and Aaron? (Exodus 32).
- What do you think of when you hear the word “witness”? What is the importance of this word in Judges 8?
- How is the faithfulness of God demonstrated in Judges 8:28?
- What decisions will you make today to determine tomorrow’s destinations?
- What is the connection between our worship and our witness?
- How does Gideon’s name (“Jerubbaal”) ironically show up at the end of his story?
- How do we see the Judges cycle in the story of Gideon? What stage is Israel in at the end of Judges 8?
- Why did Kevin show the video of the sheep? How is it a good illustration of the Judges cycle?