Matthew 4:18-22
Matthew 28:16-20
Mark 3:13,14
- What is the “Discipleship Journey”?
- What does it mean to “follow” Jesus?
- Does our discipleship end when we decide to follow Jesus?
- What is the mission of Jesus that He invites His disciples into?
- Do you identify with the kind of doubt that Kevin says the disciples may have experienced? [Spend some time in prayer asking God to help you see yourself as He sees you.]
- How does making disciples involve more than just teaching?
- What is the difference between the word “Christian” and the word “disciple”?
- How would you respond to this statement: “Information without application leads to stagnation“?
- How do we measure “success” in discipleship?
- Why shouldn’t we use business metrics to measure Biblical maturity?
- What might “sacrificial sharing” of your life look like?
- Have you considered the difference between making decisions and making disciples?
- Can you identify with Kevin’s words about the best and worst experiences of his life?
- What does it mean that “ministry is achieved but received”?
- Do you find it easy to merely talk about what Jesus said and not do what He did? [Spend some time in prayer asking Him to empower you by His Spirit to obey Him this week.]